Wednesday, July 23, 2014

JSP:The Basic Syntax

There are different jsp tags or elements. All tags are case sensitive. The elements in a JSP page can be expressed in JSP syntax or XML syntax.
There are following rules that are followed while developing JSP page.
1. JSP and XML syntax cannot be mixed within a page.
2. A page in one syntax can include or forward to a page in the other syntax.
3. Some elements have attributes whose value can be computed at request time. In JSP syntax, the format of a value is the same as a JSP expression: <%= expression%>. In XML syntax, the format of the value is %= expression %.
The common tags or elements we use in JSP are as follows
1.jsp:root: Defines standard elements and namespace attributes of tag libraries.
2.Hidden Comment: Documents the JSP page but is not inserted into the response.
3.Declaration: Declares a variable or method valid in the scripting language used in the page.
4.Expression: Contains an expression valid in the scripting language used in the page.
5.Scriptlet: Contains a code fragment valid in the scripting language used in the page.
6jsp:text: Encloses template data.
7.Include Directive: Includes a resource of text or code when the JSP page is translated.
8.Page Directive: Defines attributes that apply to an entire JSP page.
9.Taglib Directive: Defines a tag library and prefix for the custom tags used in the JSP page.
10.jsp:forward: Forwards a request to an HTML file, JSP page, or servlet.
11.jsp:getProperty: Inserts the value of a bean property into the response.
12.jsp:include: Includes a static resource or the result from another web component
13.jsp:plugin: Causes the execution of an applet or bean. The applet or bean executes in the
specified plugin.If the plugin is not available, the client displays a dialog to initiate the download
of the plugin software.
14.jsp:setProperty: Sets a bean property value or values.
15.jsp:useBean: Instantiates or references a bean with a specific name and scope..

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