Sunday, January 19, 2014

ContextMenu Example in WPF

A Menu is normally we see at the top of the window.Each of them in those menus are MenuItems.
It is similar to Menu that pops ups when we right click on something.It is contexted to what is clicked.
Example of ContextMenu


UI Display:
After right click on RichTextBox,we can see the Context Menu.

Difference between Grid, StackPanel, WrapPanel, DockPanel and Canvas in WPF

Grid is the default container where we can arrange the elements in table format.
By using StackPanel we can arrange the elements vertically or horizontally.We can arrange child elements in a panel without affecting the size of the lements.
WrapPanel is same as StackPanel but it wraps the elements accordingly to size of the form.  The control in Wrap Panel is shifted to the next line automatically if the form size is getting changed.
DockPanel is used to place the control in exact location like as Left, Right, Top and Bottom.
If we not specify any position then control will occupy entire space on the container.
Canvas is used to place the control by specifying the position in pixel format.We can use Canvas.Left, Canvas.Right,Canvas.Bottom and Canvas.Top.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Actions on TextBox:Example1

TextChanged Event
This event occurs only when text in TextBox changes.



UI Display.
After pressing F5,enter some text or update the text in TextBox,we can the see the messagebox.


PropertyDescriptor in WPF

It provides an abstraction of a property on a class.A description of a property consists of a name,its attributes,the components class associated with and the types of property.It provides a mechanism to listen to property changed events of the owner class of the actual property has INotifyPropertyChanged implemented.
It provides following properties and method
1.       Converter-It contains the TypeConverter for this property
2.       IsLocalizable-It indicates whether the property can be localized
3.       GetEditor-It returns an editor of the specified type.
It also provides following abstract properties and methods
1.       ComponentType
2.       IsReadOnly
3.       PropertyType
4.       CanResetValue
5.       GetValue
6.       ResetValue

Keyboard Attached Event in WPF

There is one namespaces named System.Windows.Input where keyboard class is defined.
Keyboard class represents the keyboard device which provides keyboard related events, method and properties that provides information about the state of the keyboard.Each of the events that keyboard defines is an attached event.
In order to receive keyboard input, the element must be Focusable.Most UIElement derived objects are Focusable and if not then set the Focusable property on the base element to true.
Some useful events KeyUp, KeyDown, PreviewKeyUp, PreviewKeyDown, GotkeyboardFocus and LostKeyboardFocus are attached events of keyboard class.

KeyUp: This event occurs when a key on the keyboard is released.
KeyDown: This event occurs when a key is pressed on the keyboard.
Preview KeyUp: This is a tunneling event corresponding to KeyUp event.
Preview KeyDown: This is a tunneling event corresponding to KeyDown event.
GotkeyboardFocus: This event occurs when an element receives keyboard focus.
LostkeyboardFocus: This event occurs when an element loses keyboard focus.



UI Display:
After Pressing F5, GotkeyboardFocus event get fired as shown below when we click in TextBox and hence Text’s Background color get changed to Green.

After losing focus on TextBox, LostkeyboardFocus event get fired when we click or move cursor to other window and Text’s Background color get changed to Red.

1.       There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop.
2.       Keyboard focus refers to the object that is receiving keyboard input.
3.       For StackPanel and Canvas, the default value of Focusable property is false.

Friday, January 17, 2014

IDataErrorInfo in WPF

It provides the functionality to provide a custom error information that a user interface can bind to  control.It facilitates an error message indicating what is wrong with the object.
It has two properties that expose the functionality of IDataErrorInfo interface.
1.      Error-It gets an error message indicating what is wrong with the object.
2.      Item-It gets an error message for the property with the given name.
It is present in System.ComponentModel namespace.

ListBox Example2 in WPF


UI Display:
After pressing F5,

Now select any item in the listBox collection.After selecting anyone,we can get the number of characters in the item selected in the mentioned label control..

SliderExample1 in WPF


UI Display:
After pressing F5,

Now,if we slide the slider left or right ,we can see the output as below.

GradientBrush Example1 in WPF


UI Display:
After pressing F5,


UI Display:
After pressing F5,

ScrollBar Example1 in WPF


UI Display
After pressing F5,

As scroll slides left or right, the value of instant change will decrease or increase.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

TextSearch Example in WPF

It identifies each item in a control collection.There are two properties of TextSearch as TextPath and Text.We use these as TextSearch.TextPath =” ” and TextSearch.Text=” ” respectively but serve the same purpose only way of syntaxing is different.We use this property on a control that contains a collection of items.

Here we will use a comboBox that contains images as items instead of text.Now we set IsEditable property of comboBox to true so that whenever image selected,the corresponding text could be displayed.

1.First method

2.Second Method

UI Display:
After pressing F5

Now click on dropdown icon, we can see the collection of images in comboBox.

Now click on any image (here we clicked on Lighthouse).

We can see the text LightHouse in comboBox .

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